Positive Thoughts From Coach Todd

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Two Powerful Words That Can Change Your Life!

by Todd Tannehill on 07/19/24

"What If."  These are the two words I emailed to my, now, wife when we were dating.  The premise was that "What If" the decision before you could change your life?  
"What If" 
  • These two words automatically take you to a "Y" or a decision
  • "What If" I do it?
  • More importantly, "What If" I don't?
My wife, Dee, and I live our life for "What If's."  You can follow our decisions on our YouTube Channel HERE.

What have you wanted to try or go for that is your "What If" thing?  Maybe today is a good day to answer the question. 

Stay Positive - Coach Todd

You can reach Coach Todd through his website HERE.

How Do You Like To Buy?

by Todd Tannehill on 07/19/24

How do you like to buy?  The question is relevant because people love to buy, but hate to be sold.

With this in mind are you still selling or are you consulting?  Our customers are very savvy and intelligent.  In fact many times I feel I know more about a product then the salesperson I am dealing with!  

When I purchased my current pickup truck I was showing the salesman some of the cool options that were hidden but available.  I had watched YouTubes and read blogs prior to searching out this particular trim level.

Gone are the days of upselling and pushing a model (in my humble opinion).  Sell the way you like to buy this month and watch your sales matrix sore!

Live Positively - Coach Todd

Coach Todd is a Sales Professional based out of Ohio in the United States of America.  He is an active sales professional, manager, and coach.  Contact Todd through his website at www.toddtannehill.com 

Miata One, Turkey Vulture Zero

by Todd Tannehill on 08/31/20

Miata One, Turkey Vulture Zero 

Ohio 164 is an awesome motorcycle route in Northeast Ohio.  The two wheelers like it because it has incredible curves and “mostly” pothole free pavement.  For the same reasons; I love to drive this route in the Miata.  

This weekend my wife, Dee, and I picked up the route in North Lima east of the Beaver Township Fire House.  The road is well traveled, but not too crowded during weekend hours.  The relaxing Sunday drive took us down through Columbiana and through downtown Lisbon.  The route gets really curvy and fun after exiting Salineville, OH and heading south towards Amsterdam.  

Map via www.google.com

It was on the curves between Salineville and Amsterdam that we encountered a meeting of the “elusters order of Turkey Vultures.”  The Sunday afternoon meeting was being held in the middle of the road, just below a right handed curve that quickly dove into a left 45-degree guardrail lined maneuver.  The group, three in all, was discussing past events and tearing apart a fresh animal carcass, the group had brought snacks for the members; all of the sudden this crazy red sports car came around the bend on two wheels scattering the membership!  This of course was the “birds-eye” account of the incident.  

Our view was a bit different and from  behind the windshield of our 2017 Miata Club.  It was a bloodier account!  The birds scattered side to side and most made it safely out of harm's way. Two thirds to be exact.  One particular greedy and, judging by the outcome, hungry bird was not as lucky.  The bird lifted from the ground just as I downshifted and braked before hitting him.  Parts of the escaping Vulture and the dinner he was trying to drag flew everywhere!  Chunks hit the hood and windshield as Dee calmly explained, “um Todd you hit that bird.”  In reality, it was really more like a screaming duck and cover event as we both hoped not to share the victims dinner!  Did I mention our Miata is a convertible?    

Picture Credits:  Dee Tannehill

Let’s see, where to go with the story from here?  I really would like to recommend Carl’s Car Wash in Amsterdam, Ohio.  Two bays with running water; one has a boat stowed in it and the other was caked with mud from a recent 4-wheeler cleaning.  All in all it is one of the finest car washes Dee and I have visited in the greater Amsterdam area!

Picture Credit: Dee Tannehill & www.google.com (car wash)

According to an article on inquirer.com, What to do about turkey vultures hanging around (2/28/2016), “Turkey vultures are protected under the Migratory Bird Act of 1918 and killing one can result in a $15,000 fine, according to federal sources.”  Okay, this spreads new light on my story and I think you will enjoy the new ending.  You can imagine how relieved Dee and I were to see the bird wave as he flew away; missing feathers and body parts - but still very much alive!