"Excessive Celebration" : Positive Thoughts From Coach Todd

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"Excessive Celebration"

by Todd Tannehill on 01/17/14

How long can you milk an accomplishment?  I see  resumes where the last major life victory was from 20-years ago.  That’s fine, but there is nothing recent, nothing ongoing, no change, and no proof of life.   It is like the star quarterback trying to live off a high school sports season the rest of his life.  It might work in small town America, but not in the real world.  He might, and that depends who is alive, might get a touchdown mentioned at his funeral.

At my doctor appointments my doctor tells me how I need to lose weight.  When I remind her that I quit smoking, she reminds me that was 5-years ago – get over it.  It is time to stop high fiving yourself for a past goal!  In the NFL they get a penalty for excessive touchdown celebration.  Do you have a flag on your play?

In reality we are only as good as what we will do today.  Victory and praise from yesterday is fast forgotten.  Today is the new most important day in your life; what will you do with it?

Talk to you soon – Todd

P.S.  The March to losing 100-lbs has me down 14-lbs!  Only 86 to go.

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