How Do You Like To Buy? : Positive Thoughts From Coach Todd

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How Do You Like To Buy?

by Todd Tannehill on 07/19/24

How do you like to buy?  The question is relevant because people love to buy, but hate to be sold.

With this in mind are you still selling or are you consulting?  Our customers are very savvy and intelligent.  In fact many times I feel I know more about a product then the salesperson I am dealing with!  

When I purchased my current pickup truck I was showing the salesman some of the cool options that were hidden but available.  I had watched YouTubes and read blogs prior to searching out this particular trim level.

Gone are the days of upselling and pushing a model (in my humble opinion).  Sell the way you like to buy this month and watch your sales matrix sore!

Live Positively - Coach Todd

Coach Todd is a Sales Professional based out of Ohio in the United States of America.  He is an active sales professional, manager, and coach.  Contact Todd through his website at 

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