It Is Okay To Be Connected : Positive Thoughts From Coach Todd

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It Is Okay To Be Connected

by Todd Tannehill on 01/06/14

So welcome – it is the New Year and my job had me running so much that I thought I would take the weekend away from the computer.  Have you ever done that?  No email, text, or Facebook – nothing!

I made it until Sunday when I had to jump on Facebook to participate in the family football chat.  My family is spread out, but through Facebook we can watch the game together from our homes in Ohio, Illinois, Washington, and beyond.  It is not quite like sitting in the room, but we do have fun.

So my question today is; is Facebook, text, email, and messenger really such a bad thing if it keeps families closer?

On a completely different subject, my New Year’s resolution to lose 125-lbs is off to a good start.  I am down 2.6 for the year with only 122.4-lbs to go.  I will say I needed this very bad as I ballooned with the new position.  So much more office time and less getting out there and moving.  Keeping the weight off is just part of the new adjustment.

I am not looking at the 122.4 all in one chunk – that would be certain failure!  I have broken it down into small victories with non-food rewards.  I will tell you more about that this week.


Comments (1)

1. Larry Mohr said on 1/8/14 - 05:41AM
Facebook and smart phones are a double edged sword. Without them, I would not have re-gained connections with many old friends (like you Todd). But when you spend more time looking at the phone that people's faces in the room, that's not good. Like so many things it's good in moderation.

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