Two Powerful Words That Can Change Your Life! : Positive Thoughts From Coach Todd

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Two Powerful Words That Can Change Your Life!

by Todd Tannehill on 07/19/24

"What If."  These are the two words I emailed to my, now, wife when we were dating.  The premise was that "What If" the decision before you could change your life?  
"What If" 
  • These two words automatically take you to a "Y" or a decision
  • "What If" I do it?
  • More importantly, "What If" I don't?
My wife, Dee, and I live our life for "What If's."  You can follow our decisions on our YouTube Channel HERE.

What have you wanted to try or go for that is your "What If" thing?  Maybe today is a good day to answer the question. 

Stay Positive - Coach Todd

You can reach Coach Todd through his website HERE.

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